How Can Grinding Teeth Cause Tooth Pain – Surprising Reason!

can grinding teeth cause tooth pain

Grinding teeth is more common than you think and is classified as a sleep disorder which ranks 4 on the international classification of sleep disorders (ICSD) right after sleep, talking and snoring. But the question is: Can Grinding Teeth Cause Tooth Pain? The simple answer is YES Grinding the teeth can cause hypersensitivity to hot … Read more

How To Restore Tooth Enamel Naturally: (Step-by-Step Guide)

Tooth enamel is the hard, outermost layer of your teeth that protects them from decay and damage. However, enamel can become weakened and eroded over time due to factors such as poor dental hygiene, acidic foods and drinks, and certain medications. When enamel is lost, it cannot be replaced naturally by the body. Fortunately, there … Read more