Mouth Ninja

10 Teeth Whitening Myths Debunked: Get a Brighter Smile Safely

Whitening teeth has been a popular practice in dentistry and at home for a long time now. The idea of having a perfectly white smile appeals to people of all types, and getting it done professionally is a great way to go.

With the popularity of teeth whitening, of course, there have been false myths that have popped up over the years. If you’re considering whitening your teeth, it is important to do your research and be sure you are not following bad advice. 

In this article, we’ll go over ten different myths that continue to be spread and what is wrong with each one of them so you can be equipped with good information before you decide to whiten your teeth. 

Myth #1: Avoid whitening teeth if they are sensitive

The first myth that is perhaps the most widely believed is that people with known sensitive teeth should avoid whitening their teeth completely. This is untrue and has been proven false numerous times over. 

People that have sensitive teeth are still able to have their teeth whitened, and dentists can help take steps to ensure their comfort before, during, and after the process.

Myth #2: You can whiten teeth if you have veneers, crowns, or fillings

You can whiten your teeth even if you have veneers, crowns, or other fillings in your mouth. If you have veneers, crowns, or fillings, you are out of luck if you wish to achieve a whiter smile.

Any material that is not your natural enamel will not respond correctly to the whitening product. If you attempt to whiten your teeth, you will likely end up with different colored teeth as your natural teeth will get whiter while your veneers, etc., will remain the same color.

Myth #3: Whitening can weaken your enamel

Whitening can weaken your enamel. This is not necessarily true. If you choose dentist-approved products or go to your dentist to get the whitening done, they will have high-quality products that will not do any harm to your teeth.

Although there are teeth whiteners out there that can do damage to your teeth, you can find products that are better for your teeth or head to your dentist to have a professional carry out the whitening.

Myth #4: Charcoal whitens your teeth

The world is full of gimmicks and tricks to try to persuade people that they can have a quick, easy fix to their problem, whatever it is. Activated charcoal for teeth whitening is one of those instances.

Using activated charcoal to whiten your teeth has never really been proven to be an effective method of whitening your teeth. In fact, overuse of the product could do more harm than good, leaving behind a damaged enamel that is harder to repair.

Myth #5: Oil helps whiten your teeth

Oil pulling is a great way to whiten teeth, right? False. Similar to using activated charcoal, the act of oil pulling as a means to achieve whiter teeth has never been scientifically proven to actually whiten teeth.

While there doesn’t seem to be any harm in trying it, you may be left disappointed with the lack of results.  

Myth #6: At-home treatments are better than the dentist

Many people believe that at-home methods of teeth whitening are just as effective as going to the dentist. While at-home methods can be effective, going in to see a professional will always yield better results.

Dentists have access to high-quality teeth whitening products that you can find at any store, so of course, your teeth will end up whiter and healthier if you have your dentist carry out the process.

Myth #7: Acidic fruits will whiten your teeth

The idea that acidic fruits can whiten teeth has been around for a long time. Again, there is no basis in fact that these fruits give you a pearly white smile. 

Eating too much acidic fruit could break down your enamel over time and lead to sensitive teeth. 

Myth #8: UV light treatment is all you need

UV lights are another gimmick used to make people believe their teeth can become whiter with fewer tries. This has not been proven, and UV lights can be harmful to your skin, lips, and teeth leading to other health issues in the long run. 

Myth #9: Teeth will never be perfectly white

All stains will not be completely removed by whitening. Many factors contribute to stains and discoloration that cannot be whitened, such as age, genetics, and how long the stain has been on the tooth, to name a few.

People should not expect their teeth to be perfectly white and have a Hollywood smile as no one’s smile is perfect, and your results will be different from someone else’s.

Myth #10: You will never have to whiten them again

Many people tend to believe that once their teeth are whitened, they stay white. This is, unfortunately, untrue. 

When you whiten your teeth, they will remain white for some time, but when you eat certain foods or drink certain drinks, for example, over time, the whiteness will fade. You will always have to continue treatments if you want white teeth.


Whitening your teeth is a great way to improve your smile and boost confidence. However, as you can see, there are plenty of myths and false statements out there about the process that can lead you astray. 

Be sure to do your research and consult with your dentist to be on your way to a brighter smile!

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