Can A Night Guard Shift Your Teeth?

Can A Night Guard Shift Your Teeth

You are here looking for the no BS answer to the question: Can A Night Guard Shift Your Teeth? Teeth clenching, grinding and gnashing can adversely affect your oral health. Moreover, it affects how you chew, eat and speak. As such, a night guard is a top dentist recommendation to fix bruxism ( teeth grinding and … Read more

How Can Grinding Teeth Cause Tooth Pain – Surprising Reason!

can grinding teeth cause tooth pain

Grinding teeth is more common than you think and is classified as a sleep disorder which ranks 4 on the international classification of sleep disorders (ICSD) right after sleep, talking and snoring. But the question is: Can Grinding Teeth Cause Tooth Pain? The simple answer is YES Grinding the teeth can cause hypersensitivity to hot … Read more