Mouth Ninja

Reduce Wisdom Teeth Swelling: Home Remedies & Tips

You are here looking for the no BS answer to the question: How To Get Rid Of The Swelling After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Akin to any surgical procedure, wisdom tooth extraction might have some risks and complications.

Swelling after wisdom teeth removal is a prevalent after-effect of oral surgery. Swelling after wisdom tooth extraction kicks in hard two or three days after the dental procedure.

Unfortunately, it’s a pretty painful and uncomfortable ordeal in the recovery process. The good news is that there are several practical and effective ways to alleviate and get rid of the swelling.

Read on to gather insightful information on how to get rid of the swelling after wisdom tooth removal and speed up the recovery process.

How To Get Rid Of The Swelling After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

It is normal to have wisdom teeth in early teenage. In most cases, they disrupt the teeth’ alignment or penetrate through the gums and cause problems and pain. 

In such cases, you have to go through surgery, and the healing time depends on the depth of the grooves and the type of surgery done.

Also, you might get swelling after your wisdom teeth removal and may want to get rid of that. 

You can adopt the following measures to get rid of the swelling:

1. Rest and Recover

Proper rest is paramount in your recovery process. Your dentist will recommend a few days rest after wisdom tooth extraction.

It would be best to refrain from physical and strenuous activities after this oral surgery for the first 48 hours.

While resting, ensure your head is in an elevated position and avoid sleeping on the extraction site.

Elevating your head allows blood to flow normally and away from the surgical site, thus keeping swelling to a minimum.

Most importantly, follow the after-care guidelines, such as packing your mouth with gauze to speed up the healing process and minimize swelling.

2. Icing

Ice packs or compress help manage swelling and numb the surgical area if you are experiencing some pain.

Ice packs cause the blood vessels to shrink and eventually reduce the swelling. Still, cold therapy might not be effective 24 hours after the surgery.

Also, avoid putting ice in direct contact with the skin. Therefore, wrap the ice cubes on a thin towel.  

3. Anti-Inflammatory Medication

Your dentist might prescribe some anti-inflammatory medications such as Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen to alleviate swelling and help with the pain.

Ensure you take the prescribed medication after the anesthesia wears off and as advised by your doctor. Abusing pain relief medications might cause more harm than good.  

4. Use Heat to Reduce Swelling 

As already outlined, swelling kicks in two or three days after the dental procedure. For the first 24 hours ice can help minimize the swelling.

However, cold therapy becomes ineffective after 48 hours and that’s when you start using heat to minimize swelling and pain. 

Wrap a heat source, preferably a hot bottle in a thin cloth and apply it outside the surgical area in a 20 minutes interval.

This procedure expands the blood vessels and allows them to carry away the fluid (causing swelling)

It is equally important to avoid certain food items after wisdom teeth removal as they may disrupt the recovery process and blood clotting.

What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Your doctor may recommend a list of food items that you can consume after your surgery. You might feel swelling or pain after the surgery. 

So, you might want to know the food items you can have and lodge your fridge with the required items to avoid going to the store after surgery until you recover.

Here are the food items you can eat after wisdom teeth removal:

  • Yogurt
  • Ice Cream
  • Smoothies with fewer seeds
  • Cottage cheese
  • Bananas
  • Mashed potatoes and pumpkin
  • Oatmeal
  • Avocados
  • Warm Soup

This will supply the required nutrients and minerals to your body. As you cannot eat solid foods, you need to supply your body with the desired nutrients.

Foods to Avoid After Surgery

There is a popular saying; “Precaution is better than cure.” Thus, eating foods that can disrupt the recovery site. 

Solid foods with sharp edges may cause injury, leading to swelling, pain, bleeding, and even dry socket. You should not eat the following foods for at least seven days after surgery:

  • Chips 
  • Alcohol
  • Crackers
  • Cookies
  • Nuts
  • Spicy flavors
  • Solid meats
  • Whole vegetables
  • Sugar and sweets

Also, avoid having hot items as they will disrupt the recovery site and prevent blood clotting. At times, this may end up in a dry socket and pain for you.


How to get rid of the swelling after wisdom teeth removal?

First, you should take painkillers and other medicines to prevent swelling as prescribed by your doctor.

You can also apply ice packs within 24 hours after surgery, which will cause blood vessels to shrink and minimize the swelling.

Later on, you can use heat therapy to reduce swelling.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does Swelling Last After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Removal of wisdom teeth may cause swelling in your mouth and cheeks. Usually, the swelling goes away within 2-3 days. However, it takes about a week to get completely fit. Therefore, it is advised to apply ice packs just after your surgery to minimize the swelling.

What Helps Gum Heal Faster After Extraction?

Taking a proper diet and keeping yourself hydrated can help you get your gums healed at a faster rate. It is advised to eat soft food items and avoid spicy and hard food items. Also, don’t put too much force while brushing your teeth, and brush at least twice a day.

Is It Okay To Brush Once A Day?

According to the American Dental Association, the effects of brushing lasts for 12 hours, and it is recommended to brush at least twice a day. However, if you brush your teeth once a day but in the right manner, it is fine. For more healthy teeth, you should brush more.

Which Is The Worst Day After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

The second and third day following wisdom teeth removal is usually the worst. The first day isn’t that bad since the sedatives and painkillers used during the surgery are still active in your bloodstream. Swelling and throbbing pain will kick in 48-72 hours after the surgery. Still, you can minimize the pain with proper aftercare guidelines.

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