How Fast Do Teeth Move with Braces?

You are here looking for the no BS answer to the question: How Fast Do Teeth Move with Braces?

Patients are always eager to expect results once they begin their orthodontic journey. Dental braces are the most prevalent and basic technique to correct crowded or crooked teeth.

In most cases, orthodontic treatment lasts between 16-18 months.

Still, it’s possible to expect noticeable movements earlier than the said duration.

In sum, the success rate of braces primarily depends on an individual’s age when the treatment begins and what they ought to achieve from using braces.

As you can imagine, the answer to how fast do teeth move with braces isn’t as straightforward as you might expect.

Nonetheless, this post gleans insightful information to know how soon you can expect changes after wearing bracelets.

So read on to acquire a comprehensive understanding of how teeth move inside the jawbone after wearing braces.

How Fast Do Teeth Move with Braces?

As outlined earlier, there are many variables to determine how fast do teeth move with braces. For instance, each individual’s mouth is unique.

Also, the age when treatment begins, a person’s goal, amount of crowding, bone density, and an individual’s metabolic rate play a critical role in determining how fast teeth do move with braces.

Not to mention an individual’s willingness and ability to stick to an orthodontist’s instructions strictly.

Nonetheless, it’s possible to notice exciting changes in tooth movements as early as two months into orthodontic treatment. Some people, especially younger patients, notice movements sooner, four weeks after wearing the aligners.

This is primarily because young people tend to have soft bones and high metabolic rates.

This is also why most health practitioners recommend wearing braces sooner during adolescence than into adulthood when bones are much denser, and the metabolic rate is relatively low.

Don’t get it wrong. Wearing braces is still effective for adults and has impeccable results for moving teeth. What we mean is that tooth movement is incredible and a gradual process.

Shifting is a time-consuming process. Teeth change slowly while wearing braces.

Even though shifting occurs daily, bracing ensures that the process is neither too slow nor too quick. It’s paramount to comply with the timeframe as specified by your dentist.

There may be consequences if you do not adhere to the time frame.

If the braces start moving quickly to shift the teeth, you may experience a lot of discomfort and soreness all at once because the bone that supports your teeth isn’t given enough time to heal. This can even harm nerve cells.

However, if the process is too sluggish, the roots of your teeth may be damaged. The teeth roots can become shorter in length, which is known as resorption, leading to irreversible tooth and gum damage.

Your braces are custom-made for your teeth straightening and will take the exact amount of time that it requires. As a result, we recommend that you be patient and leave them on for a year or whatever time you have been allotted.

Avoid using a shorter or easier procedure because it can harm your oral health in the long run.

Can Braces Change Your Look?

Yes, braces can change the shape of your face. This is the reason many braces users want to use it.

However, a proper diagnosis and treatment plan is needed to make it possible. Or there is a high chance of failure.

What happens is when your teeth are straightened, your jaw alignment changes or comes to its original position where it belongs.

As a result, your cheek and jaw region may experience a significant change. For most of the patients, it is a good chance.

But if you go to a dentist who is not experienced enough, you don’t need to see a change.

Instead, your teeth may also not be straightened if the application is not smooth. So, it’s better to invest your money in a professional dentist than waste a bulk amount.

Can Your Teeth Shift After Removing the Braces?

Yes, there is a chance that your teeth may shift after removing your braces. This happens because of the teeth bones. Teeth bone cannot harden immediately after the removal of braces.

As a result, your dentist may advise you to wear a retainer for some time until your bone hardens. A retainer will help to keep your teeth intact while also correcting any minor tooth irregularities.

Although some patients are fortunate enough not to suffer any shifting without retainers, you should not take any chances because your pain and money for the last year would be in vain.


So, to sum up, a brief response to your question about how fast do teeth move with braces is four weeks. Later it can be visible approximately after two months.

Even though the movement is regular, it is not always visible. This slow pace of movement is why you have to wear it for such a long period.

Let me tell you, if you ever feel ugly or frustrated because of the braces, think of the beautiful smile you are going to get and keep compromising a little every day to achieve it.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does It Take for Teeth to Move with Braces?

It approximately takes 13-18 months. However, the duration varies for different individuals.

Do Braces Move Teeth Overnight?

No, it is a slow process, and it takes more than a year to see the perfect results.

Do Braces Make Your Lips Bigger?

Yes, there can be some slightest change in shape and size, but not much.

Do Teeth Hurt When You First Get Braces?

Most people experience pain and discomfort when they get braces. It’s improbable that you will experience the pain or discomfort immediately. It might take a few hours to develop some pain in your teeth and gums. The discomfort might last a week, but you will progressively get used to the new feeling. Pain shouldn’t be a reason to avoid getting braces.

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