Can A Night Guard Shift Your Teeth?

You are here looking for the no BS answer to the question: Can A Night Guard Shift Your Teeth?

Teeth clenching, grinding and gnashing can adversely affect your oral health. Moreover, it affects how you chew, eat and speak.

As such, a night guard is a top dentist recommendation to fix bruxism ( teeth grinding and clenching ).

However, there are some unclear doubts regarding night guards.

For instance, can a night guard shift your teeth? Read on to garner insightful information about night guards and get the best use from them. 

Can A Night Guard Shift Your Teeth?

First and foremost, a night or dental guard, mouth guard, nocturnal bite plates, or bite splints is a thin dental appliance made of acrylic or thermoplastic.

Ideally, night guards cover the teeth, providing a barrier between the upper and below teeth. This is especially true if you have bruxism.  

Primarily, there are three types of dental guards:

  1. As the name insinuates, disposed night guards last for two weeks and are ideal for persons with light bruxism.
  2. Boil-and-bite dental guards require one to boil them, then bite into them for effectiveness and acquire the perfect imprint of your teeth.
  3. The high-end customizable night guard requires a dental visitation, whereby the dentist customizes one for you.

Customizable night guards are more durable and protect both the teeth and jaw from grinding. 

So, for the concern, can a night guard shift your teeth? The straightforward answer is that it depends.

A non-custom fit night guard will most likely move your teeth. As such, it would be best to get a custom made night guard molded perfectly from your mouth to alleviate the effects of teeth grinding.

Night guards pressure teeth, gradually making them move. However, a custom made mouth guard ensures your teeth remain intact. 

Also, night guards covering only the front teeth will most likely cause teeth shifting

How To Get A Custom Night Guard?

The way to get your custom-made night guard is easy and painless. First, your dentist will take a 3D impression of your teeth. This impression is used to construct your customized night guard out of durable and non-toxic plastic. 

Then, adequate attention is paid to make the night guards fit your teeth. This is how a custom night guard is made in the laboratory. 

In the beginning, you may feel out while wearing the night guard, but gradually, you get accustomed to it, and it will be fine for you to wear your custom-made nightguard without any problem. 

Your night guard will not interfere with the breathing process, and you can talk and speak as usual. If you feel any discomfort, it might be due to an ill-fitting or over-the-counter night guard.

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Pros and Cons Of Night Guards

A customized nightguard protects your teeth from clenching and from the force of teeth grinding. Clenching can cause breaking of teeth or worn-down teeth. 

In addition, bruxism causes clenching, which puts stress on your teeth, causing pain in your jaw. This jaw pain may result in a headache or even migraines.

A night guard acts as a cushion between your teeth and avoids such pain. Doing all this, a nightguard helps you to have a nice sleep.

The cons with nightguards are that initially, you might feel uncomfortable while wearing a nightguard, but gradually you will become habitual. 


Can a night guard shift your teeth? Yes, an ill-fitting night guard can shift your teeth, but this is not the case with a custom-made nightguard designed to fit the alignment of your teeth.

To get a custom-made nightguard, you should visit your dentist. He will take the impression of your teeth and will get your night guard prepared in the laboratory.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Wearing A Night Guard Change Your Bite?

If your night guard is not of appropriate and suitable size, then it will cause an impact on your teeth, changing your bite and jaw pain.

Are Night Guards Bad For Your Teeth?

Because of grinding, depressions get formed in night guards. In return, night guards apply similar force on teeth and cause damage. If you choose not to wear a nightguard, this force of grinding will cause enamel erosion and hypersensitivity in your teeth.

Do Night Guards Last Forever?

Like many other things, night guards also have a fixed life and do not last forever. The quality of night guards determines their longevity. Taking proper care of night guards will enhance their life. Typically, a nightguard may last for years, but it depends on several other factors.

Can I Wear Night Guard During The Day?

Yes. Dentists recommend wearing a night guard more often for efficient results.

In addition, wearing your mouth guard for short periods during the day allows your mouth and mind to get acquainted with a foreign object and helps you learn how to breathe while wearing a night guard.

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