How to Remove Nicotine Stains from Teeth?

You are here looking for the no BS answer to the question: How to Remove Nicotine Stains from Teeth?

Several factors can cause discoloration of teeth. Nicotine is a top cause of tooth discoloration. Most smokers tend to have yellow teeth since nicotine stains and erodes teeth enamel.

Moreover, smoking can have detrimental effects on teeth, gums and oral health. Nicotine weakens the immune system making it susceptible to gum infections, tooth decay and bad breath.

The most effective way to avoid tooth discoloration and tooth decay is to abandon smoking. However, we understand that quitting nicotine can be a challenging task. Still, your oral health is our utmost priority.

Therefore, this post elucidates the best practices on how to remove nicotine stains from teeth and make your teeth brighter and whiter again.

How to Remove Nicotine Stains from Teeth?

First and foremost, it would be best to understand the effects of nicotine on your teeth and oral health.

Although naturally, nicotine is a colorless substance, it oxidizes and turns brown upon combining with oxygen. Gradually as you smoke, the brown substance stains your teeth depending on your preferred inhalation method.

This also applies to electronic cigarettes or vaping. It gets worse for individuals who prefer chewing tobacco.

Smoking and vaping also restrict blood vessels, reducing blood flow to the teeth and gums. Consequently, the teeth and gums don’t get the oxygen and nutrients required to stay healthy.

Not to mention nicotine affects our mouth’s natural ability to fight diseases and restore connective tissues, causing gum diseases and tooth loss. In sum, nicotine adversely affects your oral health and hygiene.

The good news is, there are several practical, proven and effective ways to remove nicotine stains from your teeth.

The appropriate method primarily depends on the amount you want to spend, the severity, coloration and damage done by the stains.

Here are practical methods to try at home and others that require professional assistance.

Professional Ways

For optimal teeth whitening results, it would be best to visit a dentist for a thorough cleaning that removes tartar and plaque buildup around the gums and edges of the teeth.

Seeking professional guidance in teeth whitening is the most effective method of eliminating discoloration from your teeth.

This is especially helpful for individuals with stains that have accumulated for years. Teeth whitening is a painless procedure that takes less than an hour to get rid of nicotine stains, heal your teeth’ enamel and surface tissue.

Here is a comprehensive list on seeking professional assistance to correct discoloration:

  • The most common products are teeth whitening strips, bleaches, and gels, readily available in any drug store.
  • You can even go to the dentist for bleaching. It is safer than using a beaching product as the dentist knows what exactly your teeth needs.
  • You can also go for alternatives like veneers or filling, but that would not whiten your teeth and instead would improve your smile.

DIY Ways

If you don’t have the money to buy teeth whitening treatments, you can whiten your teeth with various do-it-yourself (DIY) remedies. However, since these are natural methods, it might take some time to see the effects.

  • Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide can be combined to produce a paste. Then brush your teeth with this paste, and after many uses, you can see the results.
  • Brush every time after smoking. This would prevent your teeth from staining in the first place.
  • Make a habit of rinsing your mouth with hydrogen peroxide. This helps in reducing the yellow nicotine stains from your mouth.
  • Eat foods that can help in teeth whitening. Foods such as apples, carrots and celery can help remove stains from your teeth. Moreover, they enhance saliva production, the body’s integrated cleaning component. Even better, foods rich in vitamin C minimize periodontal condition and gingivitis, keeping your mouth healthy and free from infections.

Can Nicotine Do More Harm Than Just Discoloration?

The yellowish stain is just the outer appearance. But it is an indication that you should stop smoking, or it is becoming harmful for your dental health. Nicotine can also affect your gums and can cause infection and swelling.

Additionally, it must not be unknown that smoking or other nicotine products can disrupt your immune system. According to surveys, smokers suffer from more dental diseases than non-smokers, and the recovery rate also slows.

Moreover, you shall be surprised to know that consuming nicotine-based products can cause tooth loss and even oral cancer and eventually cause death.

If we keep aside your dental health, for instance, nicotine can be very harmful to your overall health and cause severe heart and lung disease.


Smokers, in particular, should pay closer attention to their dental hygiene. They are more likely to develop gum or tooth disease than non-smokers.

As a result, we strongly advise you to discontinue or minimize your use of nicotine-based products.

You may protect your teeth from staining and mouth problems by practicing regular dental care and cleanliness.

Do not compare your routine with a non-smoker and make a more routine to ensure no-stain teeth. To know more about how to remove nicotine stains from teeth, consult your dentist.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Baking Soda Remove Nicotine Stains?

Yes, baking soda helps in removing stains from your teeth. However, to get the best result, you must use it with hydrogen peroxide by making a paste-like solution. Use this solution 3-4 times a week to attain desirable results.

What Is the Best Toothpaste to Remove Tobacco Stains?

Any toothpaste which contains fluoride can be useful in removing stains. Even so, you must brush your teeth twice a day.

Do Teeth Get Whiter After Quitting Smoking?

Yes, you will notice a difference within a month after stopping smoking. It is not only beneficial to your oral health, but it is also vital for your entire wellness. If you are unable to quit smoking, attempt to limit your consumption to the bare minimum.

Can Apple Cider Vinegar Infused With Lemon Remove Nicotine Stains From Teeth?

Yes. Apple cider is effective in helping teeth discoloration. Still, it’s vital to limit this practice, preferably not more than thrice a week, since high acidity can erode tooth enamel.

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