Mouth Ninja

11 Essential Oils for Gum Disease: Effective Natural Remedies

Over the recent years, there has been a huge amount of research into the ability of essential oils to fight gum disease. There are so many wonderful, natural ingredients in the world that specifically target different issues related to dental problems.

Essential oils are highly concentrated liquids that contain the essence of the ingredient that they’re derived from. They’re being used more and more frequently as alternative forms of medicine. The essential oils in the product I am going to mention have been proven to contain antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which all help your teeth no end.

I’ve struggled with gum disease and tooth decay for years, and I’ve tried every supposed cure under the sun. I’ve been visiting my dentist for years with this problem, and the only thing the dentist has been able to do has been to stop the problem from getting worse rather than fix it.

Trying Dental Pro 7 has been a revelation! It’s so easy to use and the effects are so pronounced that I can’t believe I’d never come across it before. I love that it’s got 11 oils mixed into one – this makes it super convenient because you’ve not got to mess around with loads of different bottles. It’s one of the best essential oils for gum disease that we have personally come across.

Best of all you can use this as you would a normal toothpaste to clean your teeth with, but without the harmful chemicals. I hate the amount of harmful chemicals and toxins that are put into so many of the cosmetics we use, and I’ve been looking for natural alternatives for all my bathroom products.

Dental Pro 7 is the best alternative around for toothpaste – it’s totally chemical free and 100% natural, and I feel so much better that I’m not having to put more chemicals into my body! The fact that it has such great results is fantastic – the amount of positive reviews all over the place about this, show that it’s helped people worldwide.

(apart from Europe) In fact, it’s not even available in Europe because it’s so strong – it has an extra strength formula that means it’s too strong for the European market!. All in all, it’s a great product that I’m super happy I came across.

How Are Essential Oils Produced?

The most common processes for extracting the essential oils from the plant material after harvesting are:

  • Distillation – steam from boiling water passes through plants drawing out the oils, then the oils are separated from the cooled, re-condensed water
  • Expression – (also called cold pressing) heavy pressure squeezes the oils from the materials; used mainly with citrus fruit peels
    Maceration/Distillation – the plant material is softened in warm water to release the oils
  • The amount of essential oil present within the plant material is scarce, more so for some plants than others. It can take up to 60 roses to produce one single drop of rose essential oil.

Powerful Essential Oils Studied for Their Antibacterial Activities

The following oils are considered the big players, especially when it comes to oral health:

Helichrysum Italicum (Immortelle)

essential oils for gum disease

This is a Mediterranean plant that has been known about since the time of the Greek Gods – mythology states that these bright yellow flowers were offered as sacrifices to the gods. Nowadays, studies have been done on its properties that show it has great antibacterial properties, and it’s used a lot in the treatment of wound healing because it’s also an anti-inflammatory and kills bacteria – the wide range of actions it has on the body make it a versatile and hugely helpful and beneficial extract.

Leptospermum scoparium (Manuka)

Similar to tea tree yet up to 20 times more effective, Manuka is a strong antibacterial agent that has been scientifically proven time and time again to kill oral pathogens. This means it’s essential in the fight against gum disease, and it’s an essential oil that has astonishing results in tests.

It also contains strong anti-inflammatory agents, and tests have shown that it can bring swelling in gums down and make them much less painful. This is grown all over the world, but Dental Pro 7 contains Manuka from New Zealand as it’s been shown to have the strongest effects.

Commiphora myrrha (Myrrh)

Famous from Biblical times all the way to the present day, myrrh is perhaps one of the most well-known essential oils – even though not much is common knowledge about the properties it possesses. It has anti-inflammatory properties and kills bacteria, and it’s a highly recommended as something that should be applied to gums in case of gum soreness.

It helps to reduce redness and swelling, and it’s also been proven to help the body’s immune system and strengthen it so it’s more equipped to fight disease. Dental Pro 7 myrrh is extracted from the Commiphora myrrha tree.

Mentha Arensis (Cornmint)

Another type of mint essential oil, Corn mint is a type of Japanese peppermint that has incredibly unique spiky purple flowers. It is another essential oil that has strong antibacterial qualities, and has been proved to reduce bacteria in the mouth and prevent gum disease. It’s also well known for its taste – it’s a lovely tasting type of mint that adds flavor to the product, and also helps to freshen breath and fight the causes of bad breath. It is both an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.

Eugenia caryophyllus (Clovebud)

Many of you, if you suffer from painful teeth or gums, will have been advised to use clove oil to help with the pain that you’re in. It’s exceptionally powerful, and has the highest anti-oxidant rating in the world when we’re looking at plants. It reduces swelling, takes away pain and contributes hugely to the health of your teeth and gums – it’s altogether incredible.

Mentha Spicata (Spearmint) leaf

One of three different types of mint found in Dental Pro 7, Spearmint is probably the most well-known. It’s usually the type of mint that’s found in chewing gum, because of the effects it has on the breath. It helps to eliminate odours in the mouth and fight bad breath, and it’s got a delightful taste to it too. Spearmint has also been proved to help whiten teeth – it’s used in many commercial toothpastes and mouthwashes because of this quality – and it is a great all-round essential oil.

Punica granatum (Pomegranate) seed

essential oils for gum disease

Pomegranate seed essential oil is an essential oil that is derived, unsurprisingly, from pomegranate seeds. It contains vitamins and antioxidants, and new studies have recently shown that it can have a huge effect on helping the healing of cells – meaning that it’s a great weapon to have in the fight against receding gums. More and more research is currently being done on pomegranate seed essential oil, because there are constantly more new and exciting properties that it’s being found to contain. It’s the essential oil version of a super food!

Alpha tocopherol (Natural Vitamin E)

There have been a huge number of studies into Vitamin E over the years, as it has a whole host of benefits – some of which are only now being discovered! It helps to protect cell membranes from damage, meaning it’s wonderful at fighting gum disease and helping your gums to stay as healthy as possible. It’s also a totally natural preservative – the inclusion of Vitamin E into this product extends its shelf life a huge amount (Dental Pro 7 will last for years), and is a great way of keeping chemical preservatives out of your mouth and body.

Thymus Vulgaris (White Thyme)

White thyme is looked upon as being one of the strongest, most effective antiseptics that nature has to offer. It can fight a whole host of bacteria, and it fights against plaque, bad oral bacteria that linger in your mouth, infection and viruses, and so much more besides. Dental Pro 7 white thyme comes from Hungary, as they’ve found that to be the most effective. It is often used as a mouthwash when diluted, as it is looked upon so favourably as an essential in the fight against gm disease.

Mentha piperita (Peppermint) leaf

Peppermint leaf oil is a great, versatile essential oil. It gives a gorgeous peppermint flavor to the Dental Pro 7 formulae and helps to keep your breath fresh and fight bad breath, but it doesn’t stop there! It also contains antivirals and antioxidants, meaning that as well as giving you minty fresh breath it also helps to protect your teeth and gums too. The antibacterial properties it contains help to prevent infection of the gums too – it really is an incredibly strong essential oil.

Vitis Vinifera (Grapeseed)

Grapeseed is a lipid essential oil. The specific property it has enables it to be a ‘carrier’ of the other oils in this product – being a lipid, it’s able to contain the other essential oils and transport them to below the gum line. It captures the other oils within itself and acts as a transportation system, while also providing a great way to ensure the other oils stay in the mouth – it doesn’t dissolve in water, and it helps protect the rest of the essential oils being washed away when we drink. It also has antioxidant properties.

All in all, these essential oils are the absolute best at fighting gum disease and tooth decay, and also help to get rid of bad breath. Copious amounts of research has been done into all these oils separately as each one of them on their own is a powerful way to help your teeth become the best that they can be, but having all these in one product makes it so much easier.

You don’t have to spend huge amounts of money purchasing each oil separately and messing around to find the optimum concentration for it on your teeth – all of this has been done for you. This really is the most incredible revelation in dental care.

Dental Pro 7 Is the Best Essential Oil Product for You

Daniel Sanderson, who created this product, wanted to make something that people could use to clean their teeth thoroughly and properly but that wasn’t full of chemicals; something that contained totally natural ingredients and was of such a high standard and strength that it genuinely gave fantastic results.

essential oils for gum disease

Dental Pro 7 claims to cure bad breath, gum disease and tooth problems. It’s totally unique because it’s the only product that contains these 11 oils in one bottle, but also because of the strength of the ingredients. The high concentration of the essential oils contained in this makes it stand out head and shoulders above the competition.

This makes it a much more effective product than the others on the market, because the active ingredients can do so much more good for you when they’re in a dosage that genuinely makes changes happen. The oils have been specifically selected based on the properties they have for the teeth and the gums.

essential oils for gum disease

Can Anyone Use Dental Pro 7?

If you’re allergic to any of the ingredients listed in this product, then it’s not advisable to use it. However, the ingredients are totally natural and there are very few people, relatively speaking, who are allergic to the ingredients in this. Pregnant women and children under 12 are advised not to use it, as they may be more sensitive to some ingredients contained in it.

However, for everybody else it’s a great product to use. If you suffer from:

  • bad breath
  • gum disease
  • tooth problems

you may well find that it’s the answer to all your prayers! as it has been for so many other customers (Read reviews below). So many people find that it’s helped them more than they could believe, and if you suffer from one or all of these issues you’ve no doubt tried everything to find a solution.

If your teeth are in pretty good shape and you don’t suffer from these problems, then Dental Pro 7 is still a good product to use. It will help to protect your teeth and gums as it doesn’t wash off (as normal toothpaste and mouthwash does), but instead stays in the mouth and protects you. It’s a great way to ensure the long lasting happiness of your teeth!

How to Use This Unique Oil Blend For Best Results

Using this product couldn’t be easier. When you’re cleaning your teeth in the morning and at night, put 4-5 drops of this unique essential oil blend on your toothbrush and then brush your teeth with it. Basically, you use it as you would use normal toothpaste. Normal toothpaste and mouthwashes are water-soluble, so they wash off almost immediately. This means they’re not offering your teeth any extended protection.

Dental Pro 7 is great because the ingredients aren’t water-soluble, so they stay in your mouth and don’t disappear immediately after brushing. This gives your mouth and teeth extended protection against gum disease and plaque. It’ll also stop bad breath, which is always a great thing for a product to do! It fights below the gum line as well as on the gum line, meaning that it prevents gum disease and decay to an extent that most products can’t.

If you switch over to using this product, it will only take a few minutes each day.

That’s why this product’s so good – having all 11 essential oils in one bottle means that you don’t have to put 11 separate applications of essential oils onto your gums, which would take far too long each day!

Is It Too Expensive?

As holistic medicines go, Dental Pro 7 is one of the cheapest around. The people behind this product are offering a full 90-day money back guarantee if you don’t like the product or don’t find it helps – which is always a great sign, because it shows how confident they are in what they’re selling! They offer a few different price options, so you can choose what’s right for you.

A. 2 month supply costs $59.97 + $5 shipping – Equivalent to a cost of $30 per month.

10ml bottle, which is about a 1-month supply. This used to cost $39.97, but to save on shipping they’re now shipping 2 packs for $59.97 (a saving of $19.97). Shipping is a flat rate $5.

B. 7 month supply costs $127 + free shipping – Equivalent to a cost of $18 per month.

The most popular kit includes a 64 ml bottle, a smaller 10ml travel bottle and a useful pipette to refill the small bottle. This is a 7 month supply. The price is $127 with free shipping anywhere in the world. (works out to just $18 per month).

dental pro 7 review

C. 14 month supply costs $199.97 + free shipping – Equivalent to a cost of $14 per month.

The Best Value Kit includes a refillable 22 ml travel sized bottle, 2 large 66 ml bottles, 2 pipette droppers (for easy drip free refilling) and free signed for delivery with traceable shipping. The price is $197.97.

1 x XL ‘Extra Strength’ Kit **14 Month Supply**

– Works out at only $14 a month

– Save $260 (compared to the small ‘2 month supply’ bottles)

– Free Shipping

When you buy in bulk and buy an amount that will last you a longer amount of time, you can make some great savings on this product. If you compare the price of this to what you’d spend on normal toothpaste then you may think it’s a little expensive – but you’re paying for quality! Normal toothpaste is full of chemicals and toxins, and Dental Pro 7 is fully natural.

If you look at the amount that buying all 11 of the essential oils found in Dental Pro 7 would cost you, then this product actually works out incredibly cheaply in comparison! Buying such strong, undiluted oils can be hugely expensive, and it’s great that you can buy this product for such a fair price.

If your teeth and gums are much healthier when you use this product then you’ll save so much money on dental surgery too! With the money back guarantee you know that what you spend is totally safe anyway if you don’t like the product or find that it doesn’t work for you, and really – $59.97 seems a very small price to pay for happy, healthy teeth and gums.

What Are Customers Saying

Don’t just listen to what I’m saying – here are a couple of reviews from other customers who, like me, have fallen in love with this product.

“My gums are now a healthy pink colour and the swelling and pain is gone. With regular use I won’t need to have any more surgery and my last appointment with the surgeon has been cancelled!! Thanks for discovering such a great product – my gums thank you too!”

— Catherine Cross, Australia

Here is another happy customer:

I just wanted to let you know that I am re-ordering another Dental Pro 7 because of the wonderful work it has done on my gums. I decided to use your product and see what would happen. I went to a new periodontitis for a free evaluations and all the 3s and 4s he was now reading at 2s…. and the 6s and 7s were down to 5s. This was a result of just using one of your solutions. I am so pleased with the improvement I plan to use Dental Pro 7 for the rest of my life.

— Nora Weller

We have also picked out some recent reviews published by people on Facebook:

essential oils for gum disease
essential oils for gum disease

Where can I buy The Dental pro 7 essential oil Blend

Dental Pro 7 is only available directly from the manufacturer, via their website. It’s not on Amazon or any other resale site around the world, and it’s not possible to get it shipped to Europe, as it has such a strong formula that it’s not legal to buy in Europe.

While websites such as Amazon may be advertising it, the only official, true product is only available from the manufacturer’s website – don’t trust any other sites that are reporting that they have it for sale! Be careful that you only buy it directly from the manufacturer so that you can be sure you’re getting the real product.

Dental Pro 7 can ONLY be Purchased Online From
The Manufacturer – Click Here > > > Dental Pro 7 Official Website

People have been searching the term: Dental Pro 7 Amazon but please don’t waste your time as you will not find this product on there!

It’s currently being delivered across the USA, Canada, South America, the Middle East, all Asian Countries, Africa, Australia, New Zealand.


Final thoughts

essential oils for gum disease

If you’re like me, you’ll have tried everything you can get your hands on to help yourself with your painful gums and teeth, or to eliminate bad breath. Having to deal with painful gums on a daily basis gets so disheartening after a while, and I’ve tried much more ridiculous things than this while trying to sort out my dental issues!

There are a million products on the market that claim to help with these issues, but there are no products like Dental Pro 7 out there. It’s the only product that has all 11 of these essential oils in such a high concentration. The difference when using this has been absolutely remarkable – they help to restore the gums and teeth so quickly and effectively that the results are beyond belief! It’s absolutely worth trying this product.

I totally understand being skeptical as there are a whole host of products on the market that don’t work, but with a full money back guarantee there’s just no reason not to. With the upsurge of holistic therapies and the amount of research that’s going into alternative therapies, it’s only a matter of time before mainstream dentists start talking about this.

Dental Pro 7 F.A.Q

How long will I have to use Dental Pro 7 for to see results?

Customers have reported seeing results in only a week – each person is very different and the speed with which this product will help you will depend on a whole host of factors, but it’s one of the fastest acting products on the market!

Why hasn’t my dentist told me about this?

Holistic and natural products aren’t prescribed by dentists, so even though your dentist will know how effective this can be, they won’t be able to prescribe it for patients (yet.)

How do I know this works?

You don’t – you’ll have to try it!, With a full money back guarantee, what have you got to lose?

If you have any questions relating to this product or it’s authenticity please get in touch by commenting below and let us help you 🙂


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