Mouth Ninja

Raw Milk for Teeth: Benefits, Risks & How It Prevents Decay

The more I learn about the importance of proper diet to keep our teeth nice and healthy the more amazed I am because there are various success stories about how people cured big cavities in their teeth by eating and drinking nutrient dense foods.

Raw milk is one such food that has the ability to help with tooth decay. It’s not popular in the mainstream and people tend to consume pasteurised milk but that’s a big mistake!.

Pasteurisation Kills The Good Bacteria Inside the milk, making it worthless!

If you want to know the true benefits of Raw Milk For Teeth please read on because it just might save your teeth from getting cavities.

What Is Raw Milk?

raw milk for teeth

Raw milk goes straight from udder to bottle. Fans call it milk as nature intended: nutrient-rich and full of probiotics, the good kind of bacteria.

Some fans go further, calling it a super food that aids digestion, boosts the immune system and treats asthma, eczema and allergies.

There are many reasons why you should drink raw, unpasteurised milk instead of the pasteurised variety. It has been found to be a quality source of:

  • Proteins: The majority of milk proteins are made of casein, which can help maintain healthy blood pressure and increase the absorption of minerals.
  • Probiotics: Raw milk is rich in healthy bacteria that can benefit your digestive system.
  • Enzymes: Raw milk contains various enzymes that can help improve the digestion of nutrients from other foods.
  • Omega 3: Research has discovered that raw milk contains 62% more omega-3 fats and 25% fewer omega-6 fats compared to conventional milk.
  • Calcium: Milk is one of the most well-known sources of calcium, a mineral that can help promote stronger bones and teeth. Furthermore, calcium from cow’s milk is easily absorbed by your body.
  • Assorted vitamins and minerals: Raw milk contains vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K, along with minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus and iron, all of which can help enhance your health.

There are 3 Main Types of raw milk:


This is made by letting milk sit in a jar mixed with kefir grains. Kefir grains are a mix of bacteria and fungi which live symbiotically with each other and promote good health.

The grains look like small cauliflower and when added to raw milk, will strip the sugars out of it leaving you with a potent nutrient rich drink that will benefit your whole body.

It will contain approximately 60 different probiotics and if drunk daily, you will see great benefits and longevity.


raw milk for teeth

This is a light yellow liquid that is left over when milk solids are removed from cultured milk. You probably seen it yourself when opening up a yogurt tub, there is a liquid that has formed on the top of the solid yogurt.

This is soured milk. This separation is how whey is created.

If you don’t have access to raw milk, you can obtain whey through yogurt.

Butter Milk

This is basically the liquid that has been left over from the process of churning butter. It has a refreshing sweet and sour taste and will help aid your overall health.

Why Is Pasteurised Milk Bad?

The biggest reason for it being useless is that the majority of the calcium production is made non absorbable.

In order for us to absorb calcium efficiently, we need the enzyme phosphatase which is naturally present in raw milk. But the high temperature pasteurisation heats milk up to 165 degrees.

This destroys the phosphotase alongside other important minerals and vitamins such as vitamin C.

Nowadays the dairy industry is so big that, there can be issues with the quality of milk produced and as we all know the environment where milk is produced isn’t too clean.

Typically, the conventional milk people drink contains blood, pus, and faecal matter so it’s no wonder that pasteurisation needs to take place for it to be drinkable at all!.

Because the pasteurisation method destroys the good probiotic bacteria, it will leave ample opportunity for pathogenic bacteria to colonise the milk and possibly cause serious disease.

Did you know that 3 people in Massachusetts died in 2007 from drinking pasteurised milk.

But the big problem is people don’t take this subject seriously at all and in some US states, raw milk is actually banned. This is absolutely absurd.

Is Raw Milk Even Safe To Use?

Yes it is, in fact there have been various testing of raw milk to see what bacteria are contained within it and nothing dangerous has been found.

For example: Organic pastures dairy have been producing raw organic dairy products for retail. They supply to over 300 stores in California.

The state of California (CDFA) monitors and tests all of their raw dairy products multiple times per month and has never found one pathogen (salmonella, E. coli O157:H7 or listeria) in any of the products.

Even more interesting is the fact that not one human pathogen has ever been found in the hundreds of environmental swabs that have been taken in their plant facility.

What’s even more impressive is that the data collected at Organic Pastures was quite different from that found at other dairies.

The typical conventional milk tank had either salmonella or E. coli O157:H7 detected about 30 percent of the time. In comparison, Organic Pastures has never had one pathogen EVER!

How Much Raw Milk Do I Need Per Day?

According to Ramiel Nagal, 2-4 cups of Raw milk is what you need to be aiming for and we suggest you incorporate all the different kinds such as Kefir, Yogurt, Whey and Buttermilk.

A dentist called George Heard once said: “Would you like to know my formula for building sound teeth in one line? Well, then here it is: Drink plenty of pure raw milk every day”

Combine Raw Milk With…

If you truly want to reverse your tooth cavity in around 2-3 months naturally then you must incorporate other powerful foods into your diet.

Follow this routine created by Dr Weston Price and see the amazing results that will come your way:

  1. take 1-2 teaspoons of Fermented Cod Liver Oil alongside the same amount of high vitamin Butter Oil
  2. 2-4 cups of raw grass fed raw milk per day
  3. Consume bone marrow on a daily basis
  4. Eat beef and fish stews
  5. Eat quite a lot of organs of land animals especially liver
  6. Lots of green vegetables and some cooked fruit
  7. 4 ounces of orange juice because of the high levels of vitamin C
  8. Quality cuts of red meat

raw milk for teeth

Foods You Must Avoid Whilst Healing Your Cavities!

  1. Sugar and other sweeteners
  2. Skim milk
  3. White flour products

If you implement all of this into your routine, you will see results. This protocol was created by Dr Price who studied the subject of tooth decay thoroughly and after looking at how indigenous people ate food, he realized that they ate:

  • Dairy products from grass fed animals
  • Organs and head meat from fish and shell fish
  • Organs of land animals

His work was so thorough he published a book called: Nutrition and physical degeneration which looks at every single aspect of oral health and its important relationship with our diet. Definitely worth a read!

Where To Buy Raw Milk For Teeth Healing

One of the best ways to guarantee you’re buying high-quality raw milk is to simply head to a local organic farm that specialises in this product.

If possible, meet with the owners of the farm to get an idea on how their milk is produced.

Some questions you need to ask them when determining if they are a good source:

  1. What conditions are the cows raised in? Do they look healthy?
  2. Are the cows fed with natural grass on a pasture? If not, what are they feeding the cows?
  3. Is the farm accredited with sanitation standards? In a related note, does the farm have a history of sanitation problems?

raw milk for teeth


Raw milk is good for teeth because it is packed full of vital nutrients and minerals and these will directly affect the health of your teeth.

If you search online you will find many people who have used Raw milk to heal cavities.

If your serious about fixing the health of your teeth and gums, we suggest you incorporate other foods into your diet.

Bone broth, organ meats and taking fat soluble vitamins will dramatically increase your chances of fixing any teeth problems.

We heard one story from a mother who gave her child raw milk and made her do coconut oil pulling each day. A few months later her teeth remineralized and grew back.

All we ask you to do is at least try Dr Price’s protocol for 3 months and if you don’t see any results, you can come back and complain to us 🙂


I Am on A Strict Diet for Weight Loss with Restricted Fat Intake. Doesn’t Raw Milk Have More Fat Content?

We live in a marketized world of 2% milk fat content, and we are made to believe that this is what a disciplined diet should look like.

Raw milk is high in fat but also packed with abundant nutrients. Also, as mentioned, Raw milk does have probiotic properties, which will help to improve your gut health. A healthy gut is a gateway to weight loss too.

Also, as she explained in the video, her journey of raw milk has been fruitful in many ways, including losing weight. 

Certain fats are required for a balanced diet, so why not try out Raw milk. Certainly, good for your teeth.

I Cannot Eat Non-Veg Every Day; How Should I Approach Dr. Price’s Protocol?

He suggested combining Raw milk with other meat options because he simply wants to incorporate the holy grail of remineralization of teeth with Vitamin A, D, and C.

Now that you need an alternative, cod liver oil is that elixir that shall provide you with Vitamins A and D. 

Be sure you make an informed purchase on the quality of cod liver oil. Supplements shall do as well.

You can also add butter oil to this diet, or ghee is a better option.

I Have Apprehension About Raw Milk Being Contaminated. I’ve Been Told It Spreads Harmful Bacteria. Is It Safe?

A pretty valid concern, to which we suggest that organic is the way to go. In the post, various fact-checked studies mentioned that all the harmful bacteria like E. coli, Salmonella, etc., are found primarily on farms with unsupervised conditions.

Always check if they are certified under CDFA. 

What About People Who Are Lactose Intolerant?

Yes! The age-old question of intolerance.

Raw milk and pasteurized milk were both tested for lactose tolerance, and it’s conclusive that people who consumed Raw milk were not that affected by lactose even though both kinds had similar, if not more, lactose content.

However, the key is that Raw milk being probiotic in properties helps them with gut issues.

Since Raw milk is not processed food, your gut doesn’t have to analyze it (unlike processed food) to digest it. The rawness of it, in all its nutritional glory, is easily digestible.

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