Mouth Ninja

Remineralize Teeth with Iodine: 5 Powerful Tips

Looking for Iodine Remineralize Teeth information?

It may sound a bit crazy but Iodine is a very important trace mineral required to carry out essential functions in our bodies relating to physical and mental development.

It’s probably the least understood mineral out of all of them. People usually think of thyroid overstimulation or permanent staining.

But did you know that Iodine is the only trace mineral that can be consumed safely up to 100,000 the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA).

We’re not saying go out and drink the whole bottle in one go but seriously if you start implementing this mineral into your body alongside 4 other vitamins, you will see real changes.

Many people have raved about the links effectiveness with iodine for tooth decay and making gums stronger and healthier.

If you try hard enough you can find many success stories but maybe your a bit lazy. Don’t worry!

We created this post so you don’t have to go searching around looking tirelessly for information on this subject.

We will cover everything right here. By the end of it, you will understand why Iodine For Teeth And Gums Is Crucial!.

What Is Iodine?

Iodine is a powerful trace mineral essential for human life. We require this mineral for proper physical and mental development because it carries out numerous tasks within us ranging from:

  • Cell respiration
  • functioning of nerves and muscles
  • differentiation of the fetus
  • Growth and repair of tissues
  • proper conditioning of skin, hair, Teeth & Gums, nails

After doing a lot of research we have found that Iodine always gets connected with the thyroid. The reason for this is iodine is also needed to produce the right amounts of thyroid hormones

These are thyroxine and triiodothyronine and are directly involved with cell metabolism i.e how fast or slow the cells work.

Too fast, and you will develop hyperthyroidism and too slow, you will develop hypothyroidism.

How To Use Iodine For Teeth

Iodine is needed by the thyroid gland which converts it into thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). Thyroid cells are the only cells in the body which can absorb iodine which makes this mineral of such high importance.

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Iodine Remineralize Teeth – Proof!

Apart from the many success stories you will be able to find on forums and Facebook groups, there is also scientific research backing up claims about iodine healing teeth.

One particular study written in the Journal of paediatric dentistry carried out a study looking at the effectiveness of iodine in preventing early childhood cavities.

They used a 10% solution of iodine and applied it directly onto the teeth and gums of 83 healthy children free of cavities aged between 12-19 months.

They were given a bottle of drink other than water just before bed time. The iodine solution was applied to the teeth of 39 children every 2 months while the other 44 control subjects were given unsweetened tea.

After the 12-month study was concluded, researchers found that 91% of subjects who received the iodine solution were free of cavities compared with 54% of the control subjects.

Iodine Is A Powerful Bactericidal!

Another great feature of Iodine is it’s ability to kill bacteria instantly. It’s effect is immediate and the best thing about all of this is the fact it has excellent penetrability into dental plaque. All these properties makes it an important product for Oral Use.

Studies also back this up. One particular research paper carried out by Gibbons and Caufield showed that a single 2-minute application of 2% iodine/potassium iodine solution destroyed Streptococci from different areas of the teeth for up to 13 weeks.

This sounds great but you need to understand that diet also plays a crucial role. If you continue to eat a lot of sugary/junk food and don’t clean your mouth properly, you will never be able to fix your teeth and gum problems!

Food Sources That Contain Iodine

1. Plant Foods

Iodine can be found in many food sources but some contain higher levels than other sources. If you are not already then please consider incorporating some food groups listed below into your diet:

Food that’s grown near the sea will contain iodine but the ones you want to be consuming on a regular basis are:

  • Lima beans
  • Garlic
  • Asparagus
  • coconut
  • spinach
  • Mushrooms

2. Butter

Only some brands of butter will be rich in iodine, mainly where cows are pastured on iodine rich soil. Try finding butter from farms that are close to the sea or have used fish meal or seaweed as a soil amendment. A combination of iodine, selenium and vitamin A in butter will make it an ideal iodine rich food.

3. Seafood

Studies report that mussels, haddock and cod test high for iodine levels but an extremely rich source comes from the hepatopancreas in lobsters.

4. Salt

Five grams (one teaspoon) of unrefined sea salt, a conservative estimate of the amount typically consumed in a day, provides only about 3 mcg iodine; iodized salt provides over 1,500 mcg iodine per five grams. The FDA’s Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) for adults is 1,100 mcg per day.

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How Much Iodine Is Required For Healing Teeth And Gums?

That depends on who you are giving it to, of course children will be required to take a lower dosage compared to adults. Here is a quick guideline showing you the optimum levels for different age groups:

  • Up to 3 years: 3 drops of detoxified iodine per day or you can use 1 drop of 5% Lugols solution and mix it into water. Take half of the water and give it to the child. The dose of this is usually 3.125 mgs.
  • 3 – 5 years: 6.25 mgs of iodoral or 1 drop of 5% Lugols solution which is approximately 6.25mgs.
  • 5 – 9 years: 12.5 mgs of iodoral or 2 drops of 5% Lugols solution
  • 9 – 16 years: 25mgs of iodoral or 4 drops of 5% Lugols solution
  • 16+ Years: Dosages can range from 12.5mgs – 300 mgs. The wide range is because people have different issues like health complications, weight problem etc. We recommend you start on a low dosage and work your way up to your personal optimum level.

How To Use It

The 2 most common ways people like to apply the iodine is:

  1. carefully apply 1-2 Drops it directly onto the affected teeth/gum and leave it on there for a minimum of 2 minutes before rinsing your mouth out with water.
  2. Get a Q tip and soak it in the Iodine solution and gently brush it onto the target area and leave it on for a few minutes.

Are There Any Side Effects?

The main problem or concern people have with this protocol is the potential staining of teeth but to be honest this is not much of a side effect as it is a pain.

But an easy solution to this is diluting the mineral slightly so it won’t stain the teeth.

Sometimes if you have weakened enamel, you may be more susceptible to staining but it’s not permanent, it will disappear within a day.

Another rare side effect is diarrhea which can be seen in a few individuals. The main reason this happens is it detoxes the bad bacteria and fungus etc from the bowel which is then ejected as waste material.

The problem should clear up within a few days and you will feel much better and re-energised.

Which Iodine Formula Is Best For Teeth?

The Lugols 2% or 5% are the most recommended by people who have already used them. Lugol’s contains 6.3 mg of molecular iodine/iodide per drop.

The formula is 85% distilled water, 10% potassium iodide, and 5% elemental iodine. Making it effective yet not too over powering.

The most popular brand is J. Crowes 5% solution but unfortunately, it can’t be purchased in your local stores, the only way to obtain it is through ordering it online. 

It’s currently Available On Amazon for $24.95 If Your Interested.

Don’t forget to take Selenium

Iodine and selenium make a powerful team but it’s likely that you are deficient in this mineral as well. Taking Iodine without selenium will not give the results you want.

You need both working together to make it an effective treatment.

Selenium is a necessary component of the enzymes that remove iodine molecules from T4 converting it into T3; without selenium there would be no activation of thyroid hormone.


Hopefully this article has pointed out the importance of Iodine For Teeth And Gums.

It has been researched and experiments show that it can heal cavities if used routinely. It’s often neglected simply because not a lot of people know about it.

Iodine is found in the environment but you can be sure it will be nowhere near the recommended allowance per day that you need.

You should also consider using supplements, especially if you are trying to heal cavities and other oral problems.

Based on research and other peoples experiences, we recommend you try J. Crowes 2 or 5% Lugols Iodine solution for best results.

The optimum levels to apply on the affected teeth depends on the age range. Children are given 1 drop per day whilst adults can apply 4+ drops per day depending on their personal health.

If you start implementing this strategy into your daily routine, you could potentially be cavity free in a few months time!

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