Best Xylitol Gum Brands If You Want FAST Results!

Chewing gum is something we do every day, so much so that for some of us it’s become an unconscious habit.

It’s not a bad thing either because gum helps to increase saliva production which is essential to keep our teeth mineralised.

But the type of gum you chew is important in determining whether you will get a healthy set of teeth or problematic teeth.

Don’t worry though because we are going to show you the Best Xylitol Gum Brands out there that will give you results!

Why Is Xylitol So Popular

best xylitol gum brands

It’s popular because there are tons of information in research papers and journals that state it’s importance as one of the components in preventing dental caries.

It’s actually normal in Finland to give children Xylitol gum in schools.

Here is a brief history of Xylitol to give you a better understanding:


The 5-carbon sugar xylitol was discovered by Fisher and Stahe in Germany and by Betrand in France.


Naturally occurring xylitol was found in plants


A biochemical pathway involving xylitol was discovered in mammalian tissue showing that xylitol is a natural physiological carbohydrate which lead to its use in parenteral nutrition (infusion therapy). This demonstrated that large quantities of xylitol can be given to seriously ill patients (i.e. the human metabolic capacity for xylitol is high).


The United States Food and Drug Administration approved of the use of xylitol for special dietary purposes. This endorsement is important as most nations have followed or observed this practice.


The odontological importance of xylitol was discovered in Turku, Finland. In 1970 the first study on the effects of xylitol on dental plaque was started.


The Turku Sugar Studies were started.


The clinical conclusions of the Turku studies were published.

The first commercial xylitol chewing gums (XyliFresh) were launched almost simultaneously in Finland and in the United States.


The first xylitol lozenge in the world, Xylitol Plus, was launched on the Finnish market.

The Norwegian Dental Association (Den Norske Tannlegeforening) gave its endorsement of the use of xylitol.


The results of the extensive, long term clinical trial in Belize were published. The large-scale field study went on for more than three years.

The study provided new information on the effects of xylitol chewing gum and various other chewing gums in caries prevention.

Irish Dental Association gave its endorsement of the use of xylitol.

You can see how much effort has gone into the research of xylitol and by 2009 there had been over 500 publications on Xylitol alone and has been studied for nearly 50 years now.

But it doesn’t stop here because there is still ongoing research into the mechanisms of how it actually prevents dental caries.

Why Is Xylitol So Powerful?

best xylitol gum brands

Xylitol is a 5 carbon sugar polyol which was discovered a century ago. It is found in vegetables, fruits and berries as well as being produced artificially by using birch and beech wood plant materials.

It has a crystalline, granular structure similar to sugar, and is just as sweet but Unlike sugar and many other substitutes, xylitol is clinically proven to benefit the mouth by preventing cavities and reducing the onset of gum disease.

Xylitol reduces plaque formation and bacterial adherence, inhibits enamel demineralization (i.e., reduces acid production), and has a direct inhibitory effect on Mutans Streptococci

Mutans Streptococci is one mean bug because it loves to colonize the oral cavity and wreak havoc on teeth and gums.

The problem is that we don’t really give our mouth the care and attention it deserves and this leaves the door wide open for opportunistic invaders to come in and make a home where they can thrive.

It is globally accepted as a natural sweetener and approved by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and the American Academy of Paediatric Dentistry.

Studies show that dental caries is still a major health problem in most industrialized countries affecting 60–90% of school children and the vast majority of adults.

Utilizing something so simple like chewing gum could help to reduce these numbers down drastically!

Picking Out The Best Gum By Reading The Ingredient List

best xylitol gum brands

One of the most important things when choosing a gum brand is to look at the ingredients section because some companies like to skimp on quality and will include other sugar compounds into the gum. These can range from:

  • Sorbitol
  • Mannitol

These sugars are often cheaper and easier to use which means companies will skimp on using xylitol just to make a bigger profit.

Epic Dental Is The Best Xylitol Gum Brand

In our opinion the Number 1 reason Epic dental stands out from the rest is the high xylitol content contained within each piece of gum.

Research states that getting 6 grams of Xylitol per day is optimum for stopping the multiplication of bad bacteria and keeping cavities away. What this means for you is, only 6 pieces of gum per day are required to get the recommended daily allowance.

Yes that’s right, Epic dental have 1.06 grams of xylitol per gum piece and that’s more than any other brand currently on the market.

Their Ingredients Are Also 5 Star

Epic dental are a small company which helps them provide high quality products over and over again. This means they can use the finest ingredients available:

  • Xylitol
  • Gum Base
  • Natural Flavors
  • Soy Lecithin
  • Gum Arabic
  • Calcium Carbonate
  • Carnauba Wax

How Many Times Should I Consume Xylitol Chewing Gum?

A study carried out in 2014 showed that the optimum levels of Xylitol you need to take is between 5-6 grams per day if you want to stop the growth of Mutans Streptococci.

The plaque samples of habitual xylitol users showed a significant reduction in plaque adhesiveness and insoluble extracellular polysaccharides produced by S. mutans when compared with those who did not consume xylitol at all.

This clearly shows the powerful effect of xylitol when consumed at the correct dosages and if you choose epic dental you will easily be able to fit in 6 grams per day.

I mean who doesn’t like chewing gum, especially if it comes in all different flavours!

The recommended length of time for chewing after eating is approximately 20 minutes.


Epic dental are a small privately owned company which means they can use high-quality products and can test each product to make sure it passes the quality control.

There are so many things to like about them, let us go through a few:

Wide Range Of Products

Chewing gum is the main backbone of this company and is by far the best-selling product they have but there are other products that can do just a good a job and frankly, not everyone like to chew gum.

Some people prefer mints while others like to suck on lozenges.

They even have their own Xylitol based toothpastes if your interested.

Satisfaction Guarantee

You can try the products but if for some reason you did not feel satisfied, there is always going to be the option of getting your money back.

All you have to do is give them a ring and they will arrange for the product to be returned.

Cheaper Than Other Brands

Below is a table and you can see the difference of price and quality between Epic Dental and other major gum brands:

best xylitol gum brands

In truth, they don’t use more xylitol because – even though it works mind-bendingly well for protecting your teeth– it’s too expensive.

As a smaller company, Epic Dental can get by just fine with smaller margins and happier customers, so sugar-free, gluten-free Epic products are 100% xylitol-sweetened.


There are so many different varieties of flavours and products, sifting through the best ones can be time-consuming.

But there is some help in the form of reviews left by customers. There are products on there which are 3 stars and these we would avoid.

Always go for products that are 4+ stars because in general they are the highest rated and probably of higher quality in terms of the flavour.

What Do Customers Think?

Customers love Epic Dental because of the wide choice of products they are able to indulge in. Taking every single product into account, the average rating is 4.5 stars out of 5.

This makes it a trustworthy company to buy from.

best xylitol gum brands

Let’s take a look at some real reviews left by customers:

Page | 8/11/2014: “Our dentist was at a loss for what to do with my 5 year old son. He doesn’t eat any sugary snacks or drink sodas or pop. We brush his teeth 2 or 3 times a day and he was still coming up with 3 or more cavities each visit. Then he broke one of his molars and needed a crown. The dentist recommended we try zylitol and to help protect his teeth. I went to the store and bought all the different brands of anything zylitol I could find. Then I went home and researched other companies too. Most of the time, I could only get him to chew his gum the minimum 5 minutes. But then we got Epic Zylitol – he loved it. He would chew for as long as he wanted. Then he tried the mints and he was hooked. Finally, we did the toothpaste – he loved it too. I have even started using the toothpaste and I love it too. We returned to the dentist for a 3-month check up to see if we needed to make other changes. The dentist was thrilled with his teeth. She suspects their won’t be any activities at his next visit. That will be a first in his life!!”

Where To Buy Epic Dental Xylitol Gum?

Epic dental is an online based store that stock their products in one place making it easier for you to find what you are looking for.

They are an American company but ship worldwide. Some stores in the USA actually stock some of the Epic dental’s xylitol gum but you have to go to the website and search for the store locator to see if there is any available near you.

Personally we just use the online website because it’s so much easier and you actually get Free Shipping.

Which Option Is Best?

best xylitol gum brands

When there’s so many products to choose from, it can be quite difficult to know which one to go for but luckily Epic Dental have a solution.

If it’s your first time buying from this company we suggest you go for the 30-Day Xylitol Protection Kit.

The reason we chose this option is that you can try different products to see which one you like the best for future reference. It comes with:

  1. 8 packs of xylitol gum of your choice (96 pieces in total)
  2. Your choice of xylitol mints (180 pieces in total)
  3. 1 Antibacterial toothbrush

It’s currently on the market for $24.99 which is quite cheap and considering it was priced at $34.99 you are definitely getting a bargain.

They also have free shipping you can take advantage of but hurry up because we don’t think the offer will last much longer!

If your ready to experience the tooth-protecting and healthy-sweetening powers of xylitol, please head on over to Epic Dental and purchase your Kit Now.

Final Thoughts

Epic Dental is one of The Best Xylitol Gum Brands on the market because it contains a whopping 6 grams of xylitol in each piece of gum.

That means you only need to chew 6 pieces throughout the day to reap the full benefits of this powerful natural sugar.

It will inhibit the growth of Mutans Streptococci and helps keep saliva flowing throughout the mouth which is important to keep teeth mineralised.

The gums aren’t too expensive initially but keep in mind that you need 6 pieces of gum per day to reap the full benefits.

If you have a big household then it could become quite pricey but you can’t really put a price on the health of your teeth and gums.

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