Mouth Ninja

Strengthen Teeth Naturally: Foods, Habits & Treatments

You are here looking for the no BS answer to the question: How to Make Your Teeth Stronger?

Maintaining healthy, strong teeth is equivalent to maintaining good health. These days everyone enhances the outer look.

Just, for instance, we use teeth whitening products to look good. But is it healthy? Is it good for our oral hygiene? No. Then, how to make your teeth stronger?

Taking care of your teeth isn’t like child’s play. Teeth get weaker as we age because of a decrease in essential minerals such as calcium and phosphate, necessary in protecting the enamel.

Not to mention consuming sugary and acidic foods or allowing bacteria to accumulate in your mouth.

The good news is that there are several ways to replenish these essential minerals and a few lifestyle changes to ensure a more robust and healthier enamel.

Here are some of the best and most effective practices on how to make your teeth stronger.

How to Make Your Teeth Stronger?

As already outlined, enamel, the outer protective teeth layer, protects our teeth from tooth decay and keeps them white.

Unfortunately, erosion of the enamel makes our teeth weak, subjecting them to cavities, yellow teeth, and weak teeth.

Once lost, chipped, or cracked, it’s almost impractical to restore or rebuild tooth enamel. Nonetheless, you can make it stronger by sticking to the following practices.

To maintain stronger teeth, you must have a stable diet. This, along with many other good habits, your teeth would be ready to smile!

Now let’s have a look at the small steps you can take to ensure healthy teeth.

1. Brush In The Right Way

Move your brush to every corner and take time to brush each tooth properly. Make sure to do it twice a day. Along with that, never forget to wash your mouth after every meal.

2. Drink Enough Water

Water can be beneficial to your oral hygiene. Drinking water after every meal prevents the small bits and pieces of food from sticking around your gum and teeth.

Also, juices and sweet beverages contain acidic content, which weakens the enamel and causes yellow teeth.

On the other hand, water is enamel friendly and keeps your mouth hydrated.

3. Use Fluoride Based Toothpaste

Fluoride is a crucial component to clean germs and other bacteria which cause tooth decay. Thus, before buying a commercial product, check the fluoride content in it.

4. Use Mouth Wash

Mouthwashes are as crucial as toothpaste. They clean the areas where a toothbrush cannot reach.

In addition, it helps in keeping the pH of the mouth neutral. It also helps in bringing back the lost minerals, which is essential for good enamel health.

5. Eat Fruits And Vegetables

Fresh fruits and vegetables rich in fiber are great for your oral health. Try not to cut them and sometimes use your teeth and jaw instead. This ensures the good health of teeth and makes them stronger.

As already outlined, calcium is a crucial mineral for strong and healthy teeth. Therefore, it’s vital to incorporate calcium-rich foods such as dairy products, leafy greens, and nuts. 

6. Practice Flossing every day

Flossing is an important step to reduce the risk of tooth cavities or sensitivity. It helps remove the food crunches from the middle of your teeth and reduces the occurrence of plaque.

7. Tongue Hygiene

While cleaning your teeth, never forget to wash your tongue daily. If you don’t, the bacteria accumulating on the tongue can come to the teeth and damage them.

The dirty tongue can cause a dirty tongue odor resulting in bad breath.

8. Avoid Sugary Foods and Sweets

Sugar accumulation in your mouth causes bacteria that feed on the sugar to form a sticky film called plaque on the teeth and gums.

The plaque has an acidic concentration which causes demineralization of the enamel.

In addition, sweet beverages have acidic contents which wear down enamel overtime.

When to Visit A Doctor?

To maintain healthy teeth, it is essential to visit a dentist regularly. However, sometimes it is an urgent requirement. Let’s see when it is.

  • If you feel sensitivity near the teeth
  • If your gum has been swollen for more than 48 hours
  • To remove plaque

If there is:

  • any type of bleeding from gums
  • If your teeth start to have a black appearance
  • If you feel like any tooth is loose

Even if there are no such symptoms, you should visit a doctor at least twice or thrice a year. With proper diagnosis, they also detect potential attacks on your teeth.


So, to your question about how to make your teeth stronger, we say, treat your teeth as you treat your body.

Check every difference and take steps immediately. Even if you don’t have the healthiest teeth, it is never too late.

You can always start taking care of them. In small steps and by following a proper healthcare routine, you can achieve healthy and beautiful teeth.

Related Post: Does Dental Pro 7 Help With Loose Teeth?

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Strengthen My Teeth Naturally?

There are many ways, including oil pulling, avoiding fast foods, sugars, proper brushing, etc., by which you can easily take care of your teeth.

Can Teeth Repair Themselves?

Stem cells of teeth produce new dentin to cure the damage. However, this can only be at the limit. When the damage is excessive, it cannot be cured naturally.

Which Vitamin Is Best For Teeth?

Almost all the vitamins and minerals are beneficial for oral health. However, vitamins including Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, and other minerals like potassium and phosphorous are perfect for our teeth and the enamel.

Why Do My Teeth Hurt When I Eat Sweets?

Sugar sensitivity is the primary reason behind tooth pain while eating sweets.

In addition, eating sweets without proper oral hygiene causes plaque accumulation, which erodes the enamel making it weak.

Consequently, erosion of the enamel causes tooth decay and hypersensitivity hence the cause for sharp pain while eating sweets.

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