Mouth Ninja

Wisdom Teeth & Jaw Pain: Understanding the Connection

You are here looking for the no BS answer to the question: Can Wisdom Teeth Cause Jaw Pain?

The emergence of wisdom teeth can be a painful and discomforting ordeal. The pain can last for several days as the third molars erupt through the jawbone.

These teeth, which emerge during the late teens or early adulthood, are a significant dental milestone in our dentures.

However, the emergence of wisdom teeth can be nerve-wracking, especially if they erupt askew or if the mouth has insufficient room to accommodate the new teeth.

You should not be concerned if you have jaw pain or sore throat during the growth of your wisdom teeth. These are common side effects of wisdom tooth removal.

Let’s see through this article to know “Can Wisdom teeth cause jaw pain?”

Learn more about wisdom teeth emergence: What Happens if You Don’t Remove Your Wisdom Teeth?

Can Wisdom Teeth Cause Jaw Pain?

Jaw pain can be caused due to various factors amongst which, wisdom teeth are a common culprit.

While your wisdom teeth grow, they give a little push to the other existing teeth on your jaw. Since this is a forceful action, it sometimes causes pain.

This tooth movement and overcrowding can put undue strain on the jaw and the TMJ

You should not ignore this pain, and if it persists for more than 48 hours or if it becomes unbearable, you must consult a dentist for your TMJ treatment.

Another cause of jaw pain is an infection or a possible infection known as pericoronitis. 


Food fragments can become lodged on or around the wisdom teeth, causing severe jaw pain. If not treated promptly, this infection might spread to other parts of your mouth.

As a result, you’ll experience jaw pain and swelling. In severe circumstances, bleeding from your gums may ensue. This infection can make it difficult to do everyday tasks such as eating, chewing, brushing, and even talking.

In this scenario, you should see your dentist as soon as possible. The most likely scenario is that you will need to have your wisdom teeth and other infected teeth out.

Will Removal of Wisdom Teeth Reduce the Pain?

Wisdom teeth removal means removing four adult molars from your jaw. The pain after removal is obvious. After the removal, you may face sore muscles and bones which surround your jaw.

However, you may develop a condition known as Trismus where your jaw could get locked, and you may face difficulty in eating and talking. This can be painful, but it withers away as the muscles began to repair.

This pain persists for almost a week or so. After that, you are going to get permanent relief. If the pain gets intolerable, you can always revisit your dentist for a TMJ pain treatment, therapies, or jaw repositioning.

Thus, if you are concerned about jaw discomfort following wisdom tooth removal, don’t be because some acute pain is always better than a chronic condition.

Remedies to Reduce Jaw Pain

First and first, you must be certain that wisdom teeth cause the pain. Then, you’ll need to see your dentist and get this diagnosed. However, certain home remedies can provide brief relief.

  • Ice Packs- You can use ice bags on your cheeks for 10-20 minutes a few times to get some relief.
  • Essential Oil- Oils like clove oil can be used to cure the pain temporarily. It has antibacterial and pain-relieving properties.
  • Pain Killers- If no remedies work and you can’t bear the pain anymore, just go for painkillers like Acetaminophen or Naproxen.


Wisdom teeth growth is a natural process. So, its prevention is not possible. Let it grow the way it is growing.

It is not confirmed that every wisdom tooth growth results in jaw pain. If you don’t feel any pain, there is no need for its removal.

But yes, Wisdom teeth can cause jaw pain. Therefore, we suggest you maintain dental hygiene and visit your dentist regularly.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Does Wisdom Teeth Pain Feel Like?

It can be pretty painful. Generally, the pain occurs on the backside of your jaw. But it can spread to your throat.

Can Wisdom Teeth Cause Jaw and Ear Pain?

Yes, Pain due to wisdom teeth can even spread to your ears. If it remains for more than 2-3 days, it can be a severe issue, and you must consult your dentist.

Should I See A Doctor or Dentist for Jaw Pain?

If the pain is for long, you should diagnose your pain. For example, if it is after the removal of your wisdom teeth, then you should wait for a week. Mainly after wisdom teeth removal, you might experience jaw and throat pain due to the numbness of your gum.

What Is The Best Remedy For Jaw Pain?

Visiting your dentist is the best treatment for jaw pain. Still, there are several remedies for relieving jaw pain.

They include resting your tongue on the top of your mouth behind the upper front teeth.

Alternatively, you can place ice wrapped in a towel on your skin or practice stress-relief techniques to help prevent behaviors that cause jaw tension.

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