Mouth Ninja

Teeth Pain When Biting Down: Causes & Solutions

You are here looking for the no BS answer to the question: Why Do My Teeth Hurt When I Bite Down?

Pain in a tooth every time you bite or bite down on it is a sign that something is wrong and needs immediate addressing.

Teeth pain is something you can’t ignore, and at times it can become unbearable. There could be several reasons behind tooth pain when chewing.

Understanding the warning sign and causes behind toothache will go a long way in treating and preserving your tooth.

This post answers the query of why do my teeth hurt when I bite down and gleans insights on how to alleviate and treat the condition.

Why Do My Teeth Hurt When I Bite Down?

Be it mild or severe; tooth pain is unbearable. This can be due to several reasons.

First, an exposed dentil due to enamel erosion may lead to exposed nerve endings. This causes teeth sensitivity, hurting your teeth when you bite down.

Enamel erosion can take place due to several factors, including teeth grinding. 

Tooth pain can also occur due to gum diseases or infections. Brushing your teeth can make the teeth roots exposed and cause pain.

This pain can also be due to your wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth may cause pain while penetrating through gums. Stuck food debris may lead to infection and resultant pain in your teeth.

Other possible reasons to why do my teeth hurt when I bite down include:


Cavities occur due to bacterial action, producing acids and making grooves or cavities in your teeth.

It’s your tooth that comes into play while biting down, and a cavity or crack in your teeth may cause pain in your teeth. More pain symbolizes greater damage.

Dental Abscess

A pocket of pus in a tooth can cause pain when you apply pressure on the tooth.

A dental abscess is a painful accumulation of pus caused by an infection. The pus exerts pressure on the tooth leading to pain when you chew.

A Root canal is a viable treatment for preserving an abscessed tooth, and it resolves within weeks or days.

Pain caused by dental abscess comes in intervals. If left untreated, a dental abscess can spread to the jaw.

Therefore, it’s vital to seek a medical diagnosis if you experience toothache regularly. Also, tiny pimples on the gums around the affected tooth could signify dental abscess. 

Cracked Tooth?

It’s pretty challenging to realize you have an injured tooth until you bite down and feel a sharp pain after releasing the bite. A Cracked tooth is a difficult diagnosis.

Therefore, you have to be vigilant when a tooth hurts after eating and locate where the pain originates.

Then, visit the dentist, who, with the help of a special bite stick, will help determine a fractured root.

Nasal or Sinus Congestion

Not all instances that a tooth hurts indicate a dental problem. Upper teeth roots are close to the nasal sinuses.

As a result, inflammation of the sinuses can result in tooth pain. This is especially true if several of your upper teeth ache instead of one.

Moreover, molars and premolars are affected mainly by sinus toothache.

Loose Filling or Crown

If your tooth filling or dental crown isn’t at level with other teeth, you might experience some pain when you bite down.

In addition, a loose filling causes bacteria to build up underneath it, irritating your tooth and the adjacent nerves.

What To Do Now?

Unlike other body pains, which go away with time, you cannot ignore tooth pain. Teeth come into action every time you eat, and if you feel pain while eating or biting anything, it is advised to consult your doctor.

He will find out the root cause behind the pain and will give you medications and recommendations. 

He may recommend you have some testing and a detailed examination of your teeth health.

This may involve an X-ray or other test. This will help your doctor know the exact cause, and with proper medicines, you can recover over time. Your doctor can also suggest surgery whenever needed. 

What Precautions To Take?

If your teeth are hurting while biting down, then the following precautions can be helpful to you:

  • Don’t consume sugar-rich food items to avoid cavities.
  • Say ‘no’ to smoking or any such habit.
  • Floss your mouth wherever possible.
  • Avoid eating too hot or cold food items as it will cause hypersensitivity.
  • Keep yourself away from acidic drinks and beverages like coke and coffee to prevent enamel erosion.
  • Avoid using mouthwash that contains alcohol.
  • Don’t put pressure on your teeth which many people do during teeth pain.


Why do my teeth hurt when I bite down? This can be due to enamel erosion which makes your dental and nerves exposed. This causes tooth sensitivity and teeth pain.

The other factors could be wisdom teeth, cavities, gum infection, or nasal infection. It is advised to consult your doctor and follow his advice.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Causes Sensitive Teeth All Of A Sudden?

Cracked teeth can cause a sudden sensitive tooth, enamel erosion, tooth cavities, or exposed tooth roots due to forced brushing, grinding, or periodontal (gum) disease. In such a situation, avoid overeating spicy or very hot and cold items.

Can Sudden Tooth Sensitivity Go Away?

Sudden tooth sensitivity occurs due to swelling in gums or enamel erosion, and exposed tooth roots. Generally, it gets fine after a couple of days; however, it is better to consult your dentist.

Why Does My Tooth Hurt When I Put Pressure On It?

If you are experiencing pain in your tooth while putting pressure on it, it can be due to hypersensitivity. Hypersensitivity occurs due to exposed dentin. This is caused by enamel erosion (damaged outer layer of teeth, i.e., enamel).

Does Brushing Teeth Help Toothache?

Yes. Gently brushing with a soft toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste eradicates bacteria and plaque that causes toothache. In addition, rinse your mouth with saltwater. If the pain persists, it’s best to consult a dentist.

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