Looking for wheatgrass pulling before and after information?
We’ll go through that in this all-inclusive article, but first of all let’s get one things straigt…You Are Consuming Wheatgrass Incorrectly!Learn The Right Way For Wheatgrass Oral Health Benefits.
And that’s exactly what we will be discussing in this article.
Everything you need to know about wheatgrass health benefits and see if there is actually any evidence to suggest if it helps in protecting your teeth and gums.
Short Answer: Yes it does help!
Consuming Wheatgrass Powder For Teeth can do wonders as so many people have attested to.
Quick Success Story Before We Get Into Detail
John Doe:
“I had a problem with my teeth years ago and was fed up with the dentist – that’s when i decided to find an alternative – i searched the web and found this site and the articles – especially the ones on wheatgrass powder vs wheatgrass juice powder
now every single day i have wheatgrass in the morning – but the most important thing is that i swish it around in my mouth for 5 min.- it’s warm by the time i swallow it! however, wheatgrass juice will pull the toxins from your gums
I then rinse my mouth with plain water ( always after everything i ingest because there is sugar in everything!)
i haven’t been back to the dentist since i found wheatgrass juice and i haven’t had a problem since – i might add that i had a root canal on a lower back tooth and never had a cap put on it.
over the years the wheatgrass juice has pulled out all the crap the dentist filled the tooth with and there is bone or tooth still growing there along with gum (there’s no hole left for anything to get into – it all filled in!)
i hope this helps you – good luck with your teeth – you’ve got a long way to go with them!!!”
Wheatgrass – it does this body good!
First of all lets talk about wheatgrass and it’s rise to fame as natural powerful treatment for a wide range of issues. It has been used for thousands of years by ancient Egyptians and Indians as part of ayurvedic medicine.
But it’s rise in the western world first began in the 1930’s.
Dr. Charles Franklin Schnabel’s work on wheatgrass opened the flood gates for further scientific research. He was considered the father of Wheatgrass for his continued work in the field.
One of his research areas was carried out on chickens, where he gave them wheatgrass and over a period of time he noticed their health improving drastically.
He also saw that these same chickens tripled their egg production rate when a small amount of wheatgrass was added to their diet. Pretty amazing right?
What Does Wheatgrass Contain?
Wheatgrass is packed full of vitamins and vital minerals in addition to containing plant nutrients which are thought to have antioxidant, antibacterial and anti inflammatory properties.
No wonder it is a magical cure for everything. All the essential minerals can be achieved from this one product.
It contains 92 minerals which include: Calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium and the list goes on…
It also has a reputation of curing all kinds of problems such as cancer although this is not conclusive and more research is required.
Ulcers can be treated by wheatgrass according to several studies and liver detoxification can occur through this power food aswell.
Ann Wigmore – The Wheatgrass Master
Ann Wigmore was a holistic health practitioner and a raw food advocate. She was one of the very few people who started the natural food phenomenon in the 1940’s.
Some people say she was a bit crazy and controversial. For instance she said that her energy enzyme soup could cure AIDS which is quite ridiculous.
But in those days people were easily manipulated.
However dodgy her past might have been, she sure was right about wheatgrass powder being a powerful supplement, so she does deserve some credit I would think.
What Other Benefits Does Wheatgrass Have?
It can Oxygenize your body because it contains chlorophyll for receding gums. It’s structure closely resembles that of hemoglobin, a molecule known to transport oxygen from our lungs to the rest of the body.
One scientific study carried out supported this theory. It was performed with 32 patients with thalassaemia.
Patients with thalassaemia don’t have correctly formed haemoglobin which results in poor oxygen transport and destruction of vital red blood cells.
To obtain healthy levels of haemoglobin, many people need to get regular blood transfusions.
This study found out that taking 3.5oz of wheatgrass drink daily led 50% of patients to require less transfusions. This indicates that wheatgrass might have a positive effect on haemoglobin levels.
It Also Keeps Your Bones Strong (Related to teeth health)
Wheatgrass may help decrease the body’s acidity and thus protecting your bones.
One of the main conditions influencing gum disease is your body’s pH level. Eating healthy foods and taking a wheatgrass supplement can improve your pH and prevent inflammation and gum disease.
This is because wheatgrass helps balance your body’s pH, adjusting a harmful acidic pH to a healthier pH of around 7.35-7.45, which is alkaline.
Is It Any Good For Teeth
It contains chlorophyll, one of natures best remedies for gum disease. Chlorophyll contains 20 amino acids and other phytochemicals not found in any other foods.
It works by neutralising the toxins that inflame gums and loosen teeth. It will no doubt inhibit the growth of disease causing bacteria and reduce the amount of plaque build up.
A study was carried out at the Eastman Dental Institute of London and discovered a correlation between Ph and periodontal pocketing.
Wheatgrass showed to balance the body’s Ph levels, making it more alkaline and thus reducing the effects of acidic foods that cause gum disease.
Wheatgrass Pulling Before And After

If you use wheatgrass twice per day you will notice your gums will start to strengthen.
They will be less inflammed and any loose teeth will start to strengthen back into position.
If your gum recession isn’t severe then you should see a significant improvement overtime.
There is some scientific research and testimonials showing chlorophyll found in wheatgrass causes the gum tissue to heal overtime.
Wheatgrass Pulling Results (Instructions)
For better teeth you want to use wheatgrass slightly differently, you don’t want to drink it straight away.
- Get ½ a teaspoon of natural wheatgrass powder and put it into a shot glass.
- Add in some water and mix well as there might be some clumps. Try using bottled water as it will not contain chemicals that are present in tap water.
- Swish the mixture around your mouth for 1 minute and then spit it out.
- Try to break it up into 2 halves. Do half of the shot glass first, then brush your teeth. After brushing your teeth swish the remaining wheatgrass for another minute and spit out again.
Quick Note:
Some people have said that water contained within plastic bottles has alot of bad stuff that affects your health.
We can’t be sure about this but please do your own research or if you do know something about this please share it with the community in the comments area below.
The reason why wheatgrass works so well is because it contains chlorophyll which is an antibacterial so you can imagine it removing the bad bacteria from your mouth.
Studies have also shown that it can heal tissue damage and prevent bad mouth odour which is a big plus.
If you have tried coconut oil pulling and have not seen any success then wheatgrass may be the better option and it’s much quicker and easier to use. Give it a shot and see the difference for yourself.
Don’t forget the basics though…
Regular tooth brushing and flossing are essential to maintaining decent teeth. The right nutrition also plays a big part in maintaining proper oral hygiene.
Which Wheatgrass Powder Is Best?
There are many powdered wheatgrass brands out there but the one we have gone for is:
Dr. Berg’s Natural Lemon Flavoured Wheat Grass Powder with Concentrated Nutrients.
Why have we made this choice?
Firstly Eric Berg, DC, 53 years of age is a chiropractor who specialises in weight loss through nutritional and natural methods. His private practice is located in Alexandria, Virginia.
His clients include senior officials in the U.S. government and the Justice Department, ambassadors, medical doctors, high-level executives of prominent corporations, scientists, engineers, professors, and other clients from all walks of life.
He is an authority when it comes to nutrition and which foods to eat to improve health. He has taught nutrition part time at Howard University as an associate professor in the Community Health division.
The guy knows what he is talking about and the powder that he and his team have formulated is fully concentrated, meaning no nutrients have been taken out.
It’s actually quite the opposite, they have added more powerful substances to give you that extra umph!.
The Main Difference Between This And Other Grass Powders?
Other Wheat Grass Powders are just dried out which have some nutrients but you are missing out on all the health benefits found in the wheat grass.
Dr Berg uses a unique freeze-drying method called BioActive Dehydration which allows the juices to stay in so all the natural nutrients are retained.
When reconstituted in water the juice is virtually identical to fresh squeezed juice with essentially no degradation of colour, flavor, aroma, enzymes and nutrition.
The added Kamut and Natural Lemon Flavouring enhances your Wheat Grass Juice Powder to be even tastier because let’s be honest:
Wheatgrass on it’s own tastes like grass (not a pleasant taste)
What Are Customers Saying
Looking at all the amazon reviews, you can see a pattern emerging and that is people unanimously agree this wheatgrass powder is the best tasting one they have come across.
Another common theme is that people feel energised after taking this supplement.
A few people mentioned they had lost a lot of weight thanks to this wheatgrass supplement in combination with a keto diet.
You should also consider that there are people who have given this product a 1 star rating because they did not like the taste and others have noticed some clumps in the powder.
Just something for you to bear in mind but overall this product has over 300 reviews with majority being positive 🙂
It comes with a 30 day money back guarantee if you are not totally satisfied, so really you have nothing to lose but one thing you will gain is a new found energy boost mixed in with some powerful health benefits mentioned above.
Final Thoughts
Wheatgrass is a powerful juice that contains numerous amounts of vitamins and nutrients that are good for both body and your teeth.
Use it twice per day for maximum effect and you will see a big change in your mood and body.
Dr Bergs wheatgrass powder is currently the best tasting powder available on the market because of it’s sweet taste which is largely thanks to the lemon and Kamut ingredients.
Hopefully you have all the information you need to make an informed decision but if you are still on the fence about this please let us know down in the comments section below and we will make sure to answer your questions.
Will Wheatgrass Pulling Interfere with The Results of Other Medications?
Wheatgrass is a natural herb that most ayurvedic medicines use as well. There hasn’t been any indication of negative impact in conjunction with allopathic medicines. However, it is safe to consult on it with your dentist.
Although, there are a few side effects of the wheatgrass itself, like nausea, drowsiness, allergies, constipation, headache; and if you experience any of these effects, you should stop this process immediately.
But these are extreme cases, since wheatgrass an herb is concentrated; it is advised to dilute it with water as suggested in the post, kind of like your regular mouthwash.
Can This Remedy Help with Candidiasis?
Wheatgrass pulling has anti-bacterial properties that can fight against infections, there have been research conducted to treat it for candida, and it does help.
Also, since patients with candida are restricted on a bunch of foods, wheatgrass is beneficial in this sense since it is gluten-free.
Apart from this, if you are looking to treat candidiasis from within, improving your gut health is essential; in that case, wheatgrass powder juice is a fantastic remedy.
Is This Process Suitable for Children?
Yes. I understand that kids usually have difficulty rinsing, but this organic powder is high in nutrient properties. So it won’t be that much of an issue if your child swallows it, but your child won’t be much of a fan of the taste, be prepared to handle that.
One thing I would suggest while wheatgrass powder pulling, use more portions of water than an adult would use so that it’s diluted enough for a kid to use.
Can’t I Just Use the Whole Wheatgrass and Extract Juice or Boil It?
Wheatgrass is at its efficient best when retained of all the properties that make it a superfood. Yes, we have herbs and tea leaves that we boil to extract their nutrients, but wheatgrass is a different case.
Extracting the juice out of it also does not serve the ultimate purpose.
Boiling it has been shown to drain away some of its nutrients, which is why Dr. Berg came up with this freeze-drying technique in easy-to-use powdered form.
Moreover, you have to be cautious of the whole wheatgrass available in the market as it is at risk of contamination.