Mouth Ninja

Wisdom Teeth Removal Diet: Foods to Eat & Avoid

If you have recently had your wisdom teeth removed, eating the right foods is important, and avoiding eating anything that will make your recovery worse.

The following article will tell you what to eat after wisdom teeth removal and what foods to avoid!

How to Choose Your Foods after Wisdom Removal

Now that your wisdom teeth are gone, what should you eat? The first thing you need to know is that eating requires some special care. For example, you’ll want to avoid chewing crunchy foods for at least a week after your procedure.

In addition to this, certain types of food pose more risk than others-you’ll want to avoid hot and cold foods, spicy foods (or anything else with lots of flavors), acidic foods (like lemons or tomatoes), dry foods (like chips) and sweet desserts.

Eating salty or sour things can also make swelling worse in the days following your surgery.

You Need to Eat Soft Foods 

After removing your wisdom teeth, it’s best to eat soft foods for the first few days. Soft foods can help you heal faster and feel better after surgery.

They’re easier to chew and swallow, so eating them won’t hurt as much. 

If your tooth is removed and you don’t want to eat any solid food yet, you may be able to drink liquids or eat pureed foods like soup or pudding until you feel up for chewing again-some dentists will give their patients instructions on which kind of food is best for each patient based on their situation.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Eating Guide – Every Day After Removal

Day 1

After you’ve recovered from the anesthesia used during surgery, you need to follow these steps for your recovery process at home:

  • Eat soft foods, like soup and yogurt.
  • Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.
  • Avoid spicy and acidic foods, such as pizza or tomato sauce that can irritate the gums.
  • Avoid chewing gum, which can cause swelling and bleeding in your mouth.
  • Don’t smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol because they both increase blood flow to the gums and may lead to infection if you have any cuts that were made during surgery on your wisdom teeth (as well as increasing the risk of developing dry sockets).

Day 2

Try some soup, broth, applesauce, and mashed potatoes (but no gravy or butter).

Avoid crunchy foods like granola bars and toast until you feel ready to try them out again – but don’t rush it!

For now, food that is too hot or cold should also be avoided; the last thing you want when you have just had your mouth worked on is burning yourself!

If it’s too hot outside for an ice cream cone, then maybe consider some frozen yogurt instead – fruit flavors are less overpowering than chocolate ones and are often available in sorbet form, allowing them to be eaten without melting before reaching your mouth!

Day 3

The third day is when you can eat soft foods like yogurt, ice cream, and mashed potatoes. You can also have applesauce, jello, and pudding.

Avoid crunchy foods like popcorn or chips for about one week after surgery. Hot food should also be avoided, such as soup or anything too hot to consume at this time.

Day 4

On the fourth day after your wisdom teeth removal, you can start to eat more solid foods.

It’s important to take care of your mouth and make sure it feels comfortable during this time. You may find your mouth sore, which can be painful when you eat hard or crunchy foods.

As long as the pain in your jaw has subsided and there are no signs of infection, we recommend eating soft foods such as mashed fish pudding, mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs with toast or biscuits (bread), and cold cereals like cornflakes so that you do not cause any damage to the wound site or re-open it by chewing too hard!

It’s also important not to drink alcohol while taking antibiotics because this could increase their effectiveness and cause liver damage, which I don’t want you guys doing!!!

Day 5

Stick to oatmeal and scrambled eggs.

Avoid eating hard foods like nuts. Hard foods can be difficult to digest, especially right after surgery. Raw vegetables are okay to eat, but avoid crunchy foods such as carrots or celery.

Avoid spicy foods, citrus fruits, and acidic liquids like orange juice or tomato juice. It’s also best not to chew gum for several weeks after the surgery because it puts pressure on your jaw and could cause problems with healing.

The first five days after wisdom teeth removal can be tough since you’re probably not feeling your best from all of the anesthesia and painkillers you may have been given during the procedure itself! 

Day 6

It’s day six after your wisdom teeth removal. You may now be able to eat warm foods like congee, porridge or cream of wheat.

If you’re unsure if a food is too hot or cold for your mouth, check with the doctor first.

You can also start to eat steamed, mashed carrot or cauliflower and soft foods such as scrambled eggs and tuna salad without difficulty.

Avoid spicy foods until you get the all-clear from your dentist around two weeks after surgery.

Day 7

At this point, you should be able to eat most foods. It’s important to avoid crunchy foods that could irritate the gums and cause bleeding.

It’s also a good idea not to chew on hard or tough items like raw vegetables or meat because they may damage emerging bone tissue.

Talk with your dentist or oral surgeon if you have any concerns about your diet after wisdom teeth removal. 

Hot beverages are too hot for healing wounds in your mouth and may even burn them; cold liquids should be avoided until all pain has subsided, which could take up to two weeks after surgery.

When Can You Start Eating Normally?

Wait until the swelling goes down. This can take a few days to weeks, depending on how much swelling and how many teeth were removed.

You might be able to chew food, but it’s best to wait until your mouth is back to normal before trying anything too hard in terms of chewing or swallowing-you don’t want any further damage!

Wait until the pain is gone. If you have lingering pain after a wisdom tooth extraction and are experiencing headaches or nausea, you should let your doctor know so they can prescribe medication for relief.

There are prescription-strength ibuprofen (Advil) and acetaminophen (Tylenol) available if over-the-counter pills aren’t helping enough; talk with your dentist if this sounds like something that could help out with post-wisdom tooth removal recovery time!

Wait until everything stops bleeding before getting back into regular meals; this usually means waiting at least 24 hours after surgery (but check with your dentist on specifics).

This will prevent any further risk of infection when eating food later downline – avoid anything particularly acidic.

At the same time, everything heals up just fine as long as no one else gets sick then either!

Best Soft Foods to Eat After Extraction

Now that your wisdom teeth are out, it’s time to get back on track with eating. You’ll want to ensure you’re eating the right foods and avoiding others to recover quickly.

  • Scrambled eggs
  • Oatmeal
  • Soup
  • Smoothies
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Cottage cheese with fruit
  • Noodles
  • Yogurt

Restaurants That Are Safe to Go to

Soup, broth, and smoothies restaurants are good places to start when it comes to eating after tooth extraction because they have very soft food.

The soup should be eaten in small quantities, but it is still the best choice for someone who has just had surgery.

You can also drink broth or smoothies, which will help cleanse your mouth and ease any pain that you may be experiencing.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

When Can I Eat Like Normal?

After your procedure, it will take about a week for the swelling to go down. In about two weeks, you can start eating normally again. However, you should avoid chewing gum and hard foods like nuts or hard candy for the first six weeks after your procedure. Foods that are sticky or chewy should also be avoided until this time has elapsed because they could cause more bleeding and discomfort early on.

Can I Eat Cold Foods?

Yes, unless you are experiencing pain, bleeding or swelling.

Can I Eat Hot Foods?

No. You should avoid hot foods because they can irritate your mouth after surgery. The most common reason hot food causes pain after a tooth extraction is because it touches the exposed nerve endings in the socket and around the surgical site where the tooth was removed. You can avoid this by eating room-temperature foods until your gums have healed over any exposed nerves. 

Can I Eat Dairy After Wisdom Teeth Removal

No. You should avoid dairy for at least a week following your wisdom teeth removal because it can cause swelling and irritation in your mouth. This is especially true if you have had an allergic reaction to dairy products in the past or if you developed an infection around the area where your wisdom teeth were removed.

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